Natural Pain and Stress Relief
I use scientifically proven natural methods for pain and stress relief to provide real results for people with chronic pain and emotional distress.
Below is a list of conditions I help with treatment for. Please note this list is not comprehensive, it is simply a sample of the most common conditions I see in my clients.
- Fibromyalgia
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Multiple Chemical Sensitivities
- Anxiety and Depressive Thoughts
- Stress Overload
How I work
I use natural mind and body therapies along with my medical knowledge and experience to provide you with an individualized solution to your pain.
I have a deep understanding of the brain, the nervous system, as well as the underlying physiology of many health and pain conditions. I also have a deep understanding of the role of emotions, thoughts, and beliefs have in the biology of disease and chronic pain, and conversely in the wellness of an individual.
I am trained and experienced in a variety of whole body integrated (holistic), natural practises that can be used to recover from pain and emotional distress.
I can help you put your brain and nervous system back into a state of balance so that they are working for you in support of your recovery and to achieve a state of peace.
I can teach you the strategies you need to get you healthy in both mind and body and how to keep you that way.
To view a list of my qualifications and certifications or to learn more about my story of how I overcame chronic pain and illness please click here.
Taking control of the mind and body connection
I help people take control of the mind and body connection to facilitate recovery, optimize health and healing, and achieve a balanced healthy state of well-being.
The body and mind are connected. They always work together in concert and you can’t have one without the other. Often times people, even health practitioners, can neglect the powerful role the mind (our brain and nervous system) has over our health, happiness, and overall well-being.
Everything starts and begins with the mind because nothing happens in the body without the brain and nervous system being involved. The brain and nervous system control every aspect of your body, including your physical and mental state. You can’t have healing and recovery, peace or happiness, without the mind being on board and helping to make it happen. You can, however, have anxious thoughts, worries, and negative beliefs getting in the way. These all have physical, scientifically measurable, consequences.
It’s important to get a handle on the brain’s interaction with the body. It’s important to learn how to control and influence the brain and nervous system’s behaviour in order to support your health and wellness goals.
I can help you do that.
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“I highly recommend the DNRS system! I used it in combination with EMDR to treat my MCS!”, Viv
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“The above Dynamic Neural Retraining System images contains affiliate links which means that if you purchase something through one of these links on the DNRS website I may receive a commission – at no extra cost to you. As a reminder, I only promote things I have personally tried and believe are beneficial. Any commissions earned help me continue providing self-help resources for people. Thank you!” , Viv